The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to improve the protection of personal data for individuals, making data processing more secure and reducing the risk of exploitation. The new rules set by the European Commission will come into force on May 25th, 2018, but are there any other benefits we could see from these new regulations?
A large part of GDPR is to ensure that data is destroyed correctly; in a secure, confidential and documented manner. The most effective method for this is through confidential shredding of both paper and electronic data source, such as hard drives.
All businesses in the UK and Europe will have to comply with GDPR. This means businesses will need to use confidential waste services that provide appropriate documentation to prove they are compliant. Some confidential waste services, such as those provided by First Mile, not only destroy the documents and data securely, but recycle it so it does not go to landfill. This means if a business uses First Mile to recycle their confidential waste, they will increase their business recycling rates.
Confidential shredding of paper can also help develop a strong circular economy, as shredded paper can be recycled to make office paper, which in turn can be reused and later shredded again. This is highly beneficial for the environment, as recycled paper requires 70% less energy to produce compared with making it from raw materials and produces 73% less air pollution, as well as saving the trees themselves, of course!
So although GDPR might seem all about data, if the correct services are used we could see business recycling improve, a reduction in air pollution and an improved circular economy.
Make sure you're ready for GDPR with First Mile's confidential shredding services:
Order Confidential shredding Sacks